Friday, April 28, 2006

The Worst President in History?

image hosted by George W. Bush's presidency appears headed for colossal historical disgrace. Barring a cataclysmic event on the order of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, after which the public might rally around the White House once again, there seems to be little the administration can do to avoid being ranked on the lowest tier of U.S. presidents. And that may be the best-case scenario. Many historians are now wondering whether Bush, in fact, will be remembered as the very worst president in all of American history.

>>> Complete Article >>>

put him in jail! The WORST dictator in U.S. history. He ain't no president no how!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

060426 - many holocausts


Redemption Song - movies, music & thoughts - 060426


hmm. yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day. did anybody know that?

...many holocausts...Burma, Rwanda, IRAQ...down through the ages we go...

suggested viewing: Amistad (1997)

re: "another holocaust" - Steven Spielberg directed this story about the 1839 revolt aboard Spanish slave ship La Amistad and the uprising's tragic aftermath. An African-born slave (Djimon Hounsou) leads a mutiny against his brutal captors. Because the ship is in American waters, a U.S. court must decide the slaves' fate. In an eloquent courtroom speech, ex-president John Quincy Adams (Anthony Hopkins) argues for the Africans' freedom.

see netflix. for additional info

see also below: paper clips project


PEACE! Strider

Strider's RENEGADE [activism]
Strider's REDEMPTION SONG [movies, music & thoughts] << this is where you are
top of this blog

Friday, April 21, 2006

climate change - expect the worst [snipped from "The Queen worries about a Bush"]

Since roughly half the world's 6.5 billion people live near
coastlines, a three-foot sea-level rise would be [even more] punishing
[overseas]. Amsterdam, Venice, Cairo, Shanghai, Manila, and Calcutta
are some of the cities most threatened. In many places the people and
governments are too poor to erect adequate barriers-think of
low-lying Bangladesh, where an estimated 18 million people are at
risk-so experts fear that they will migrate to neighboring lands,
raising the prospect of armed conflict. A Pentagon-commissioned study
warned in 2003 that climate change could bring mega-droughts, mass
starvation, and even nuclear war as countries such as China, India,
and Pakistan battle over scarce food and water.

These are just some of the reasons why David King wrote in Science in
2004, "Climate change is the most severe problem that we are facing
today-more serious even than the threat of terrorism."

>>> Complete Article >>>

Paper Clips Project

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from -

In 1998 eighth grade students at Whitwell Middle School began an after-school study of the Holocaust.  The goal of this study was to teach students the importance of respecting different cultures as well as understanding the effects of intolerance.  As the study progressed, the sheer number of Jews who were exterminated by the Nazis overwhelmed the students.  Six million was a number that  the students could not remotely grasp.  The students asked Sandra Roberts and David Smith if they could collect something to help them understand the enormity of this extermination.  The teachers told the students to ask permission of principal, Linda M. Hooper.  She gave the students permission to begin a collection, IF, they could find something to collect that would have meaning to the project.  After some research on the Internet, the students decided to collect paper clips because they discovered that paper clips were 1) invented by Norwegians and 2) that Norwegians wore them on their lapels as a silent protest against Nazi occupation in WWII.

Students began bringing in paper clips.  They wrote letters to famous people asking for a paper clip.  The students also asked people to share their reasons for sending a paper clip.  To date approximately 30 million paperclips have been sent to Whitwell Middle School.  In addition, the project has received 30 thousand + letters, documents, and artifacts.  All of these have been counted and catalogued by students and are on display in the Children's Holocaust Memorial and in the school library.

The paper clip collection has become a part of the "Children's Holocaust Memorial" created by the students, staff, and community of Whitwell Middle School.  The Memorial contains 11 million paper clips housed in an authentic German transport car honoring the lives of all people murdered by the Nazis.  And eleven million other paper clips are contained in a monument honoring the children of Terezin.  Eighteen (for chai-Hebrew for life) butterflies (the Christain symbol of renewal) enhance the grounds around the rail car.  The students, staff, and community of Whitwell Middle School have transformed the car from a death car into a symbol of renewed life honoring the lives of those murdered by the Nazis.  For generations of Whitwell students, a paper clip will never again be just a paper clip.  Instead, the paper clip is a reminder of the importance of perseverance, empathy, tolerance, and understanding.

- the movie -


When the students of Tennessee's Whitwell Middle School began studying the Holocaust as a way to learn about intolerance and diversity, nobody could have predicted the results. In 2001, the Paper Clip Project culminated in a unique memorial that changed the lives of those who created it, as well as touching Holocaust survivors and countless communities.

Because Norwegians invented the paper clip and used it as a symbol of solidarity against the Nazis, students started collecting them to help visualize such vast numbers of victims. As word spread online and in the media, paper clips poured in from around the world, 11 million of which are enshrined in an authentic German railcar standing in the schoolyard. “Patiently told and lovingly made” ( Variety ), this inspiring, award-winning documentary shows how even small-town students and educators can teach the world powerful lessons.

Rating: Rated G Genre: Documentary Run Time: TBD- 2 discs DVD SKU#: (8) 29567 0322-2 (0) DVD SRP: $24.99

For those of you interested in ordering the updated versions of the documentary Paper Clips, it is now available through this web address - If you order through this address, a portion of the sales will go to support the goals of the Children's Holocaust Memorial at Whitwell Middle School.


Sunday, April 16, 2006


just watched Constantine. Have you seen that? mindblower [special effects galore] with a surprise bonus: APC music video of Passive [eMOTIVe] - very cool. and then, just now on the radio: Lightening Crashes by Live; makes me think of angel songs - She Talks To Angels by black crowes, etc... maybe i will do an angels theme compilation - appropriate for Easter.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Andrew Sullivan, one of the blogging pioneers, is finishing "The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It; How to Get It Back." He calls it "an attempt to grapple with the way in which American conservatism has shifted in recent years from an emphasis on small government, individual freedom and a 'leave-us-alone' coalition into a big-spending, big-government force for correcting human immorality and delivering us from foreign evil."

from Blogging Manifestos
>>> Complete Article >>>

Monday, April 10, 2006

Machine Gun

current track: Machine Gun | Jimi Hendrix | Band of Gypsys

don't miss it!

/RENEGADE/ - Articles posted in the last 40 days

Thursday, April 06, 2006

tonight's playlist

Name Artist Album:
Track 09 Slipknot vol. 3
Lost in Hollywood System Of A Down Mezmerize
Wonder What's Next Chevelle Wonder What's Next
No Quarter Led Zeppelin Houses of the Holy
Catfish Blues Jimi Hendrix Blues
Track 13 Korn Untouchables
Let's Have A War A Perfect Circle eMOTIVe
Going Up The Country Canned Heat The Best of Canned Heat
Redemption Song Bob Marley Legend
Woodstock Improvisation Jimi Hendrix Woodstock
Aenema Tool Aenima
Track 21 Sublime 40oz of freedom
Good Times Bad Times Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin I
Rock And Roll Music To The World Ten Years After Essential
Machine Gun Jimi Hendrix Band of Gypsys


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

GE-Free Action Alert

GE-Free Action Alert - Letters needed, get involved! -
2006-04-04 From: "Daniel Solnit" Subject: GE-Free Action Alert - Letters needed, get involved! Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 19:38:27 -0700 Dear Strider Every day brings new wins - and some losses - in the fight....
>>> Complete Article >>>