Saturday, June 25, 2005

Re: new blog [maybe] Redemption Song - movies & music

Re: new blog [maybe] Redemption Song - movies & music - preview?

Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 21:48:53 -0700
Subject: Re: new blog [maybe] Redemption Song - movies & music - preview?


tonight =

The Weather Underground ~ don't miss it!
A sobering documentary about a group of 1960s "committed freedom
fighters" known as The Weather Underground. A radical offshoot of the
Students for a Democratic Society, the Weathermen didn't just march
or sit in; they rioted and bombed -- not to change the American
political scene but rather to destroy it. The organization was part
of a global trend of revolution that sprang from the belief that not
acting against violence is violence.


Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 03:50:34 -0700
Subject: Re: new blog [maybe] Redemption Song - movies & music - preview?

>>>> **** well, that could go on and on as far as the toxins in our
>>>>environment are concerned... what should we do? this planet
>>>>contains acres and square miles and kilometers and CUBIC TONS OF
>>>>TOXINS... the wealth that has been reaped from the HEART of our
>>>>planet should now be put back into making OUR MOTHER EARTH
>>>>healthy again! -- we have to somehow stop the rip-off, and put
>>>>the stolen resources to work in healing the planet >>>>>

- i'm just going to push send now -

THOUGHTS { (~ more ~ updated from version at bottom!)}
- i thought: i will not be sending this out , but: oops! here we
are... not regular /s

i was just thinking tonight... we are at war [you know]. we have to
stop this slippery slide into total fascism, and get the PIRATES,
somehow, to stop ripping off the future of OUR PLANET.

~~~ !!! fuck imperialism !!! ~~~ what empire do you live in? who has your head?

yikes! we can't afford to lose this one, can we?

"the world" is out of hand, and people are going to have to start
being honest and accountable if we are going to survive
[=no_matter_who_you_are=]. for those who prefer wealth and power
over the wellbeing of the entire planet's ecosphere, not to mention
the survival of our very own species, those who choose to continue on
this path: well, for them, what can i say? "this isn't going to
work, you know?" ???? what do they envision? it couldn't possibly
be Paradise, could it? mabye that is the problem! they are wrecking
Paradise trying to get it? C'mon! PEOPLE: its ALL in our favor to
try and get some accountability and peace and justice and honor and
... ... . .. ... .. ... . .get some peace!

ever watch Brave Heart [to mention a movie {mel gibson}] ??? ughhh...
well, i'm not saying we should cut any heads off or anything, but:
jeeeezzz ???? what's it going to take? that whole biotech thing is
enough to extinct us all, and that is only one of a miriad of issues

**** well, that could go on and on as far as the toxins in our
environment are concerned... what should we do? this planet contains
acres and square miles and kilometers and CUBIC TONS OF TOXINS... the
wealth that has been reaped from the HEART of our planet should now
be put back into making OUR MOTHER EARTH healthy again! -- we have
to somehow stop the rip-off, and put the stolen resources to work in
healing the planet

[ so i think/what
do you think? ]

bush / nazi / terrorist / terrorism / fascist / fascism


a friend suggested that i post my favorites since i watch alot of
movies [especially lately, being pretty disabled and all] --------
SO: here it is ~ maybe i will make a new blog... and i thought i
should go ahead and include music also, since that is my true love...
and then, of course, a few random thoughts - - - so it would be
Redemption Song - movies & music, or something like that - - - PEACE!

i would be using Netfilx and BMG links just because they are my
bookmarked ways to get a quick synopsis, but support your local
INDEPEDENT video & music shops! - please tell me if you have better
links for quick and accurate "bytes"

maybe i'll get to posting some "all time faves" at some point, and
actually even make the blog - - -

- - - BUT HERE IT IS FOR NOW - - - PEACE! - - -


MOVIE(S) -most recent best =
MUSIC - current listening... so very appropriate!
THOUGHTS - "...i was just thinking tonight... we are at war [you know]..."




most recent best =

A Love Song for Bobby Long

The Jacket

Empire of the Sun


current listening... so very appropriate!

title: Redemption Song
artist: Bob Marley
album: Legend

"emancipate from mental slavery... long shall they kill our prophets,
while we stand and look...
- - -songs of freedom"

title: Fallen Eagle
artist: Stephen Stills & Manassas
album: Manassas

"fly on up to Canada, this country isn't safe anymore. that's for sure"
[this planet?]


i was just thinking tonight... we are at war [you know]. we have to
stop this slippery slide into total fascism, and get the PIRATES,
somehow, to stop ripping off the future of OUR PLANET.

yikes! we can't afford to lose this one, can we?

"the world" is out of hand, and people are going to have to start
being honest and accountable if we are going to survive
[=no_matter_who_you_are=]. if those who prefer wealth and power over
the entire planet's ecosphere, not to mention the survival of our
very own species, who choose to continue on this path: well, what can
i say? "this isn't going to work, you know?" ???? do they envision

ever watch Brave Heart [to mention a movie {mel gibson}] ??? ughhh...
well, i'm not saying we should cut their heads off, but: jeeeezzz
???? what's it going to take?

that whole biotech thing is enough to extinct us all,
and that is only one of a miriad of issues! what about... ? ?? & ? ?? ?

...well, that could go on and on as far as the toxins in our
environment are concerned... what should we do? this planet contains
acres and square miles and kilometers and CUBIC TONS OF TOXINS... the
wealth that has been reaped from the health of our planet should now
be put back into making OUT MOTHER EARTH healthy again! -- we have
to somehow stop the rip-off, and put the stolen resources to work in
healing the planet

[i think/what do you think?] { ~ updated version of THOUGHTS
[above-Sat, 25 Jun 2005] ~}



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