Monday, November 28, 2005


Redemption Song - movies, music & thoughts - 051128 -
A Red Bear | Hidden Fortress | The Color Purple | Silent streams - poisoning by sprawl |




A Red Bear (2004) [Un Oso Rojo]
Ex-con Oso (Julio Chavez) can't wait to get his old life back now that he's out of jail, but things aren't what they used to be. His daughter, Alicia (Agostina Lage), doesn't remember him anymore, and her mother has moved on without him. Oso tries hard to stay on the right path, but the past keeps rearing its ugly head. Will he be able to stay out of trouble, or will the past keep catching up with him?
Cast: Julio Chavez, Soledad Villamil, Luis Machin, Agostina Lage, Enrique Liporace, Rene Lavand, Daniel Valenzuela, Freddy Flores, Ernesto Villegas, Marcos Martinez, Patricio Pepe
Director: Adrian Caetano


Hidden Fortress (1958) [Kakushi toride no san akunin]
A general and a princess must dodge enemy clans while smuggling the royal treasure out of hostile territory with two bumbling, conniving peasants at their sides; it's a spirited adventure that only Akira Kurosawa could create. The Criterion Collection is proud to present this landmark motion picture in a stunning, newly-restored Tohoscope edition.
Cast: Toshiro Mifune, Misa Uehara, Minoru Chiaki, Makatari Fujiwara, Susumu Fujita
Director: Akira Kurosawa

search this blog for Akira Kurosawa
see also, previous: 051107 [Throne of Blood]
google Akira Kurosawa [Kurosawa Akira]
search this blog for Toshiro Mifune
see also, previous: Redemption Song - 050820.1a - Shogun
google Toshiro Mifune

The Color Purple (1985)
Directed by Steven Spielberg, this film is a sterling adaptation of Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Whoopi Goldberg stars as Celie, a Southern woman whose correspondence with her sister in Africa helps her escape an abusive husband (portrayed with a scary edge by Danny Glover). Quincy Jones's evocative soundtrack and a moving performance by Oprah Winfrey make this Oscar-nominated film an all-time favorite.
Cast: Whoopi Goldberg, Danny Glover, Margaret Avery, Oprah Winfrey, Adolph Caesar, Rae Dawn Chong, Willard E. Pugh, Akosua Busia, Desreta Jackson, Dana Ivey, Leonard Jackson, Carl Anderson, Laurence Fishburne
Director: Steven Spielberg

above quote[s] from netflix



nothing of note for now




Silent streams - poisoning by sprawl
Sprawl is threatening almost every stream in the country. But a rising citizens movement is trying to save one of our most important natural resources before it's too late

see also: discussion at

articles last ten days @ /RENEGADE/


PEACE! strider

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